Labels:text | human face | newspaper | person | news | clothing | publication | poster | advertising OCR: PARADOX Sint-Jobsweg 30/3024 EJ Rotterdam The Netherlands/Tel 31 (0)10-4765208/Fax 31 (0)10-4769069/E-mail ISBN 90-802655-1-9 THE DEATHS IN NEWPORT LEWIS BALTZ LEWIS BALTZ reconstructs the intriguing story of a double parricide (or fatal accident?) of a millionairs couple, killed in 1947 in Newport Beach, California. During the law case which ensued, BALTZ's father appeared before the court as the coroner. The Deaths in Newport is the result of research into the archives of the Los Angeles Times, Life and other media. The project is comprised of photowork by BALTZ and reproductions of newspaper articles and photos dealing with the affair. The story, written by BALTZ in the style of a novel, is narrated by the author in his very distinctive voice. THE OVERELL TRIAL was among the last spectacular murder trials of the age of print media. Three features 'BALTZ'S APPROACH to the story of the story made it a journalists' dream: the heinousness of the crime, the love story between Bud and Beulah, intriguingly highlights the apparent contradiction between the and the opportunity to give their readers a glimpse into the lives and scandals of the rich. linear aspect of narrative and the CD-Rom, which lets the user freely TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION reorganize information. After all, This interactive CD-ROM can be played on a Mac or Windows PC equipped with a CD-ROM player (and sound card) with at every story, even a 'news' story, involves a scribing logical order to least 4 Mb of installed RAM (8 Mb recommended, and 2.5 Mb free memory) and 14 inch colour monitor. The sound track can certain events whose meaning and also be played on any regular audio CD player. The text can be printed out by using one of the common word processors. causality may be interpreted in different ways by each participant 70 IMAGES 45 MINUTES SOUND 38 TEXT PAGES /PRINT TEXT, SOUND TRACK FOR AUDIO CD-PLAYER (EXTRA OPTIONS) or onlooker." X PARADOX ROTTERDAM/ AMSTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS 1995 (Los ANGELES TIMES, MAY 1995)